Club Directors

This page will list the names and titles of the Directors and Officers of SMA. Work in Progress

Directors / Officers

George Bokinsky, Secretary
Rob Burgess, President
Al DiSabatino
Robert Dodge
Rowan Goebel-Bain
Ara Jarahian
Scott Lovejoy 
Kirk Rogers
James Shields
Forrest Sumner, Vice President
Ron Thompson, Treasurer

SMA Committee Responsibilities
Membership:  (Dodge, DiSabitino, Lovejoy)
·         Membership Information re: equipment and special interests to share with all club members
·         Create name tags for members to wear at meetings (that came up last night from a member)
·         Skills enhancement: AL Observing Clubs – promote; facilitate
·         Coordinate club apparel ordering from LL Bean
·         Assist Club Treasurer with membership renewal process

Outreach: (Thompson, Shields)
·         Web Page redesign and functionality
·         Publicity to Outside parties: media, public (maintain contact lists) re meetings, events
·         Star Party Requests and Coordination
·         Liaise with other clubs

Program: (Bokinsky, Gobeil_Bane)
·         Speakers for meetings – build at least a 3 month horizon
·         Meeting content – balancing new vs. experienced
·         Coordinating 5-min bios on known/unknown astronomers for each meeting
·         Beginner’s Astronomy (recruit from within club to help, as necessary!)
·         Internal communication re meetings to Club members; share with Outreach for wider publicity

Equipment: (Rogers, Sumner)
·         Inventory club assets
·         Dispose of unwanted/unneeded; replace with new, as determined
·         Develop club equipment lending program; check out procedures, etc.

Dark Sky Advocacy: (Burgess)
·         Assess state of pending municipal streetlight conversions
·         Network with leaders in such efforts; emphasize night sky friendly standards
·         Review/promote zoning ordinance changes for private lighting in footprint communities
·         Develop recognition program for good actors

Full Board:
·         Financial – updates, review, budget, tax filings
·         Administration – outside memberships, insurance, PO box, corporate filings
·         Bylaws, minutes

Updated: August 5, 2020

Southern Maine Astronomers

Board of Directors’ Meeting


July 18, 2020


The meeting convened at 10 a.m.  Directors present included Al DiSabitino, Forrest Sumner, Ron Thompson, James Shields, Rowan Gobeil-Bain, Rob Burgess and club member Russ Pinozzotto. 

 Matters discussed::

1.    At our August meeting we will hear from Dwight with a follow-up on his Leviathan of Parsontown and from Russ on a new constellation.  We still need to fill in some gaps.  I offered to fill in with an update on Mars 2020, Perseverance that is set to launch on 7/30.

2.    We have no plans for future meetings.  The Program Committee is George and Rowan, with me ex-officio.  I am going to ask the three of us to meet via Zoom and split up a list of possible speakers that we can collectively pursue and build three or four months of program stability.    If any Directors have talks they would like to give, please let us know.  We also need to get back to the 5-minute bios on famous or less-than-famous astronomers.

3.    With zoom meeting we can have up to 100 attendees.  Russ will provide contact info on all Maine clubs and we will invite them to publicize our meetings and to join us.

4.    We need to coordinate publicity responsibility between the Program Committee and the Outreach Committee.

5.    James was complimented for setting up our Facebook page and keeping it current.

6.    We agreed to try to get posters out to grocery stores, libraries and coffee shops.  James has distributed several in Scarborough.  He and Bob have a stack of posters for distribution if you need some.  I still have about 50, so let me know if I can get you some.

7.    The Equipment Committee needs to get our two instruments up for sale.  We should start with an email to club members and then to all Maine, NH and MA clubs.  Then Astro Mart, Cloudy Nights, etc.  There is still uncertainty around the club telescope lending program and where equipment should be stored when not on loan, and how and by whom it would be checked out.  The Equipment Committee needs to figure this out and if it is deemed unworkable because of no central club facility Rob recommended we cancel the program and probably sell the equipment.

8.    The Committee Tasks worksheet that Al devised should be reviewed by each committee and the various tasks that we identified for each committee should be prioritized.  This prioritization can then be presented to the full board at an upcoming meeting.

9.    Rob reported on Scarborough’s recent conversion of streetlights to LEDs, as well as Rockland’s efforts.  He also reported on Tucson’s efforts of converting nearly 20,000 streetlights to smart LED fixtures at 3000k.  The conversion has saved the City $2.1MM annually, and reduced sky glow by 7%, and blue light emissions by 34%.

10. Rob asked each attendee for their top three areas where the cub should focus.  Most of the comments revolved around outreach, leveraging our role with libraries to get posters in place, promoting club meetings with sister clubs, and exploring virtual star parties, and working with groups like Boy and Girl Scouts.  Al suggested reviewing our new member welcome package that might include a hat and other logoed items.

11. Rob raised the request of the group CREA for a star party in Topsham in late September at the Highland Green Golf Course, with a group of about 25, and social distancing.  There was some reluctance to commit, but Rob said we might use the Revolution imager as an alternative to eyepiece observing and SkyMap/laser pointing.  We need to determine interest within the club to support that star party.

The meeting adjourned at 11:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Rob Burgess


Southern Maine Astronomers

Board of Directors

16 May 2020

1000 hrs

 The scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by Rob Burgess, President, at 1000 hrs with Zoom format necessitated by the ongoing SARS CoV-2 pandemic. Also in attendance were Ron Thompson (Treasurer), Russell Pinizzotto, Bob Dodge, Paul Howell, James Shields, Al DiSabatino, Ara Jerahian, Scott Lovejoy, and George Bokinsky.

 Information submitted in advance of the meeting by Rob Burgess include four documents including minutes of the SMA Board of Directors meetings of 18 January 2020 and 4 April 2020, SMA astronomy assets, and  Al DiSabitino’s spread sheet analysis of SMA committee assignments based on the Astronomical League’s recommendations as published in the Reflector.

Approval of Minutes of January and April, 2020 Minutes:

Opportunity to discuss the submitted minutes lead to no changes. Following Bob Dodge’s motion to accept these minutes, the minutes were accepted as presented.

Committee Reports:

 Dark Sky Advocacy Committee:

 Rob Burgess reported that not much has happened since last meeting other than to note challenges to proposed changes within the Town of Brunswick Planning Board. The Dark Sky Maine group is seeking to create or to be the “umbrella” for efforts to reduce light pollution. In accordance with the discussion of “deliverable” actions Rob and/or Committee will report on the current state of SMA footprint communities’ conversion to LED streetlighting at the next meeting.

 Program Committee:

 The departure of Joan Chamberlin for the Board of Directors and from the Program Committee is noted with regret and her great contributions to the committee, to SMA, and to the international astronomy family through education, advocacy such as Astronomers Without Borders, and mentoring aspiring astronomers is recognized.

The recent closure of USM including the Southworth Planetarium has necessitated two monthly SMA meetings to take place over the internet using Zoom. This produces both challenges as well as opportunities. Lost as a result is the spontaneous social interaction with fellow members and guests along the ability to project the night sky. Hands-on demonstration of equipment is also lost. Opportunities include greatly improved audiovisual presentations as well as the expanded audience that the internet presents. Since there is no date set to re-open the planetarium, further Zoom meeting should be anticipated and plans made accordingly.

Discussion centered around creating a program for the next three months with the hopes that a longer list of scheduled events can follow. Recent meeting highlights include Russ Pinizzotto’s constellations of the month, and Ara Jerahian’s “Introduction to Deep Sky Astrophotography.” Russ plans to present Canes Venatici at the June meeting. Russ, or Rob, will contact Skip Pass at to inquire as to his availability for the June meeting. Additionally mentioned were J. Kelly Beatty, Senior Editor at Sky and Telescope and Thomas Baumgarte at Bowdoin College.

 Russell Pinizzotto and Paul Howell agree to join the committee to work toward the calendar of scheduled speakers for the monthly meetings.

 Outreach Committee:

 Ron Thompson reports that not much is happening in part due to social distancing related to the pandemic. Kerry Kertes is no longer on the committee being out of country. The Cathance River Educational Alliance expressed interest in a star party possibly in August. James Shields described use of Facebook as a means of providing “virtual” astronomy meetings giving the efforts of the Fort Worth (Texas) Astronomy Club as an example. There was discussion of using video cameras such as Revolution Imager, owned by the club, as a tool for our own EAA (Electronically Assisted Astronomy) star party as the imagers stacks images improving the experience.  Paul Howell currently has the club camera and Russ and Rob have their own.  Each party agreed to experiment to see if the images could be presented in a Zoom, YouTube or Facebook live presentation.

 Equipment Committee:

Neither Forrest Sumner nor Kirk Rogers was in attendance. A listing of SMA assets has been created and a “check-out” process allowing members to use the telescopes, etc was discussed but is not available for review or to be placed into action at this time. Ron Thompson offered to check with libraries regarding their forms for lending telescopes to the public. Rob agreed to review the materials from a club and legal perspective.

 Equipment unlikely to be used due to size making transport impractical was again discussed as to potential sale via Astromart or Cloudy Night classifieds section. All members with club equipment at their homes or in their possession were asked to provide photographs of the items to be sold to Ara so that the equipment could be posted on appropriate astronomy classified pages.

These tasks are assigned to Rob Burgess and Ara Jerahian.

 Membership Committee:

 Bob Dodge uniformed those in attendance that SMA clothing items from LL Bean and ordered by members can be picked up at his home.

 Committee Structure Review by Al DiSabatino:

Using a guideline published by the Astronomical League in Reflector, and integrating existing committee responsibilities, Al created a spreadsheet of the various committees, their members, and duties for discussion. An engaged discussion followed regarding the importance of one person taking responsibility for the committee, assigning priorities to the tasks so that progress can be demonstrated in a timely fashion. In part, this seeks to lessen the burden from falling on one person for multiple functions within the club and to recruit members from the club to participate in these activities. There was also agreement that the result of each meeting should be assigned tasks, or “deliverables,” that would be reported on at the next meeting.  A specific person from each committee would be expected to undertake whatever action had been agreed to and to have that task accomplished by the next meeting and to report back to the board with the details.  Many members expressed the need for this kind of personal accountability related to their own life experiences on other boards and committees saying it was the best way to move an organization forward.  Without it, board meetings simply become discussion sessions.  It was agreed that additional suggestions for committee responsibilities should be forwarded to Al DiSabatino who will incorporate them into a revised master list that could serve as an agreed-upon list of all major committee duties that the respective committees would prioritize.  The Board would then discuss and confirm that priorization.

From this discussion, on behalf of the Membership Committee Bob Dodge proposed making membership in SMA free for all students no matter their place in the educational process that could be renewed on an annual basis. Since part of dues goes to the Astronomical League, it was also proposed that the club could absorb this cost and reassess the impact on SMA finances in six to twelve months. Bob Dodge’s recommendation was discussed and approved.

 Additional ideas brought up for discussion re Membership Committee duties were:

Rob Burgess: Establishing liaison with school groups, and recognition of members for achievements in astronomy and contributions to the club and Al DiSabatino: Incorporating club members with special interests in solar, meteorites, astrophotography as part of monthly meetings. Also, beginner’s astronomy sessions.

James Shields: Projected the new SMA logo as designed by his daughter with questions regarding where to display the art work and how the posters might be used in promoting the club.  James also shared a prototype Facebook page he created for the club utilizing the poster artwork, and was thanked for his initiative.

 Based on the prior board meeting Ron Thompson provided a list of activities he would like to have assumed by others.  They primarily fell into the “membership” category of  handling renewals and new members, providing refreshments for meetings and expanding the number of people capable of operating the planetarium.  The Membership committee will consider these and report back on how it will undertake these tasks.

Ara Jerahian: Brief review of the status of the SMA webpage and or and improving the interface.  Discussion of new models of webpage design ensued with several innovations now available that would modernize the club site and would be adaptable and easy to manage and edit.  One feature would allow committee chairs to update their own sections so that the site was up to date with latest announcements and plans, which would be especially helpful for public outreach activities.

Rob Burgess: The annual meeting will take place in June with required notices sent to members at least 14 days in advance, in accordance with the bylaws.  A Nominating Committee of Bob Dodge and Al DiSabatino has prepared a slate of candidates for vacancies on the Board and for Officers of the Corporation.  The latter will recommend a re-election of incumbents all of whom have agreed to serve again in their current positions.

 Respectfully submitted,

 George Bokinsky, Secretary


Meeting of Directors

Southern Maine Astronomers

Board of Directors Meeting
18 May 2019

Present: Rob Burgess, Bob Page, Bob Dodge, Paul Howell, Kerry Kertes, George Bokinsky.

Absent: Forrest Sumner, Ron Thompson, Joan Chamberlin, Kirk Rogers, Greg Thorup.

SMA Website: The majority of the meeting was devoted to the status of development of a new SMA Website currently in development by Vivian Gordon of CEHS mentored by Kerry Kertes. The purpose of the changes are to improve connectivity to the Night Sky Network, lessen the use of Yahoo Groups as some members are not users of this social network, and to make the SMA website more attractive and useful to younger generation of potential astronomers or current astronomers a demographic that SMA seeks to attract. This scribe confesses that terms used during the presentation required translation at times being unfamiliar and found himself recording as fast as possible in cursive but three sentences behind the conversation at many times. Delays in getting the projector to connect to the computer were however amusing is this high tech environment but was pleasing to see speaker and members coming to a solution.

The prototype website was shown in the mode that can be currently viewed on the internet. Functions and flow through the site were described by the speaker prompting questions and suggestions from those in attendance. These include connections to commonly used social media, calendar of events, administrative privileges, options for comments by viewers, “chat” of blog features, ability to post images, and links via NSN to sky clock, APOD, and educational resources of the NSN. 🌌 The presentation by Vivian was OMG🎆.

Decisions made during the meeting were to opt for the nighttime  mode rather than day time, and work toward abandoning Yahoo Groups after discussion of subject at the time of the June meeting when Ron Thompson will present the current SMA website for comparison.

Program Committee Discussion: The June meeting will feature a discussion of the SMA website. July meeting will occur on the 11th of the month due to the holiday and be devoted to recollections of Apollo 11 mission 50th anniversary. The August meeting will be cancelled as would have occurred only two weeks after the July meeting. September’s meeting may have as featured speaker Morgan McLeod currently at Harvard CFA and a Maine native and Bowdoin graduate.  Continuing the format of what’s up in the sky as developed by Russ Pinizzotto have been very favorably received and incorporation of “tools of astronomy” practical astronomy sessions as a new feature.

Star Parties:  Recent  star parties at Cumberland’s Twin Brooks on April 25, and at the Portland Yacht Club on May 6 were discussed. The participation at the Portland Yacht Club involved 6 members of SMA and hosted members of the PYC and neighbors of the PYC. The skies were cooperative, sessions  on the night skies and use of star maps applies in the outdoor classroom, viewing through binoculars and telescopes demonstrated the strengths of these tools. The reception was:👍👏😀
The use of emojis changes the script irreversibly.

Rough draft, George Bokinsky
Southern Maine Astronomers

Board of Directors Meeting

5 May 2018, 1000 hrs

Present: Rob Burgess (President), Forrest Sumner (Vice. President), Greg Thorup, Kerry Kertes, Kirk Rogers, Bob Dodge, Joan Chamberlin, Paul Howell, George Bokinsky (Secretary).

Absent: Ron Thompson (Treasurer) and Robert Page
Business Items:
1.      SMA Mission Statement: Rob Burgess reviewed the by-laws and the stated mission of SMA as being science, education, public outreach, and social events for members and guests including viewing of night skies.

2.      An additional item of interest that was discussed includes dark skies advocacy to the public and local governments by sharing knowledge of health effects, safety concerns, and esthetics of light pollution as well  as the fiscal benefits of lowering light pollution. This activity would best be part of a coordinated efforts with other astronomy clubs within Maine and beyond. Paul Howell volunteered to coordinate this effort and measure night light levels in various locations in Maine. Identifying locations in Maine as a dark-sky sites will be of potential commercial benefit in promoting tourism.

3.      Committees within SMA (current and discussed): 1. Membership Committee. 2. Dark-skies Advocacy committee. 3. Executive Committee of club officers. 4. Nominating Committee of officers. Program Committee. 5. SMA Equipment committee. Outreach Committee: Includes education outreach at Cape Elizabeth High School, liaison with other clubs, media, and the public.

4.      SMA astronomy assets: Telescopes owned by the club were reviewed with intent to sell telescopes difficult to transport and use and use the moneys to buy a newer and more adaptable Dobsonian telescope. Explore Scientific truss telescope’s cost and details was discussed along with other items including SMA projector and screen, flat-screen TV, imaging video equipment, and options for storage as well as making equipment available to SMA members.

5.      Committee volunteers:

                        Outreach: Kerry Kertes

                        Dark Skies: Paul Howell. Rob Burgess

                        Equipment: Forrest Sumner, Kirk Rogers

                        Program: Rob Burgess, George Bokinsky

                        Membership: Greg Thorup, Bob Dodge

5.   SMA Polo Shirt: Rob Burgess showed a SMA polo shirt that can be obtained from LL Bean.

Board meeting will be scheduled quarterly

George Bokinsky

Monthly and Annual

Director meeting minutes, (old), moved from "Meetings" tab, Dec.9, 2019

13 January 2018, 1000 hrs

A meeting of the SMA Board of Directors was convened at 11 Amerescoggin Road, Falmouth,
ME. Rain and warming temperatures had helped the host to clear the driveway and walkway of
almost all of the accumulated snow to properly welcome the assembled directors. Attending
the meeting were President Forrest Sumner, Treasurer Ron Thompson, Director Greg Thorup,
Director Kirk Rogers, Director Rob Burgess, and Secretary George Bokinski.

Unable to attend include Director Joan Chamberlin, Director Paul Howell, Director Robert Page, Director Kerry Kertes, and Vice President Russell Pinizzotto.

President Forrest Sumner convened the meeting and reported the Vice President Pinizzotto
had accepted employment in PA as University Provost and will be teaching astronomy as part
of his duties. As such, he will be unable to continue as VP of SMA.

 Annual Meeting of SMA

Rob Burgess briefly reviewed the by-laws regarding election of Directors and the necessity for

sending advances notice to the membership regarding the annual meeting. The last annual

meeting was in March 2017. A date later than March, 2018 was deemed desirable to lessen the

risk of canceling the meeting due to a snow storm. Thursday, 5 April 2018 was selected to allow

sufficient time to send notice and for a nominating committee to be formed and identify a slate

of candidates for the one vacant Director position.

Program Committee:

The creation of a program committee for monthly meetings was discussed at the last annual

meeting but had gone no further than that. Monthly presentations, alternating between invited

speakers and club members, was again discussed with the thought that club budget could

support invited speakers, perhaps for half of the meetings. A list of potential speakers drawn

from Maine and New England colleges and universities as well as business involved in

launching cube satellites. Names mentioned include Ilene Yingst living in Brunswick and

employee of the Planetary Science Institute in Tuscon, AZ; Chris Magri at UMF on radio

astronomy, David Batuski and Neil Comins at UMO, and Jerry LaSala at USM. Club members

would alternate with subjects including famous astronomers from the past, new discoveries in

astronomy, and other topics of interest.


Some members of SMA are also members of ASNNE and opportunities for collaboration were

discussed. This might involve support for invited speakers, observing sessions, and the current

location of ASNNE meeting at the New School in Kennebunk, ME. The impact of having

meetings of SMA on Thursdays and ASNNE on following Fridays as discouraging joining both

clubs was discussed. No decisions were made at this time.

Southworth Planetarium:

Meetings at the planetarium are encountering fewer scheduling problems. Problems exist with

Internet access may affect ability to engage in such activities as remote observing programs

and showing Internet video. Providing a high-definition flat screen monitor would facilitate

some presentations. The status of AV equipment and the planetarium projector ongoing

problems was discussed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Ron Thompson reported SMA having 35 fully paid members and a check book balance of

$6564.94 with ongoing liabilities including insurance ~$500.00, Astronomical League ~

$250.00, Club P.O. Box ~ $112.00, Night Sky Network $50.00 and annual contribution to the

Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust of $50.00. Annual dues meets these obligations but limits

growth of account.

Inventory of SMA Assets:

Discussion of possible sale of the 15” Discovery Dobsonian telescope with Telrad and extension tube for eyepiece as being too heavy and/or bulky for easy use lead to inquiry into the status of these SMA assets stored at members’ homes. The funds from the sale would allow purchase of another large telescope that would be truss-supported and better suited for transport to viewing sites. Astro-Mart is proposed as a site to assess value of the SMA telescope and potential sale and purchase of replacement.

This telescope is stored at home of Rob Burgess where the SMA 9.25” Celestron GPS

Schmidt-Cassegrain GOTO with manual, star diagonal, 26 mm eyepiece, and tripod along with

5 foot step ladder are stored.

Additional equipment are stored at homes of Ron Thompson and Forrest Sumner including

video imager, projected screen, and other telescopes with accessories to be catalogued in final


These items are hereby updates as of 3/12/2018:

15” Discovery Dobson telescope and ladder

11” GPS Celestron SC GoTo and mount/tripod (D)

9.25” GPS Celestron SC GoTo (D)

8” Celestron SC fork mount with wedge (D)

5” Celestron SC single arm mount with wedge and accessories in a case (D)

16” Meade Newtonian on early generation German Equatorial mount (D)

Two ETX Meade Telescopes; 70mm Refractor and 105mm Mac, (motors not functioning) (D)

4.5" Konos Newtonian Reflector on EQ Mount (D)

Revolution video-imaging system with 7’ (diagonal) screen

Eyepiece case with 3 eyepieces (FS has details)

Image projection screen

3 Celestron 3” table-top Dobson telescopes

Space Week Activities:

Sharron Eggleston, retired engineer at Lockheed-Martin is coordinating for presentations during

Space Day, in Brunswick, on 4 May 2018 which falls on Friday. Opportunities exist to participate.

Astronomical League Awards:

Brief discussion of this program of interest to club members was held.

Respectfully submitted,


George Bokinski


Annual Meeting of Directors

Minutes (rough draft)

2018:  Upon due Notice the Annual Meeting of Directors of Southern Maine Astronomers took place on April 5, 2018.   In attendance were Forrest Sumner, Ron Thompson, Rob Burgess, Robert Page, Paul Howell, Kirk Rogers, Kerry Kertes, Joan Chamberlin, Gregory Thorup and our Secretary, George Bokinski.

2018:  A quorum having been determined President Forrest Sumner called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.  The purpose of the meeting was to nominate a Director and elect officers for the current year.  At the Annual Meeting of Members in January, the existing slate of directors was reelected.

2018:  The existing  Treasurer and Secretary had indicated a willingness to continue to serve in their existing positions, therefore, the following slate of officers was nominated:

·        President:                   Robert Burgess

·        Vice President:         Forrest Sumner

·        Treasurer:                    Ron Thompson

      ·        Secretary:                  George Bokinski

An individual vote was taken on each nominee and each was unanimously elected to the position for which each was nominated.

Ron Thompson, Treasurer, reported the IRS 990 was e-filed in March, for 2017.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting concluded.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert A. Burgess
